To provide food, medicine, and improved living conditions to children in Ukrainian orphanages
Contact Us: 503.407.9922
Amazon Wish Lists
Many things we can purchase in Ukraine, but in many instances, items are not available or are poor quality or very expensive. We worked out a way for donors to purchase items on Amazon and have the items shipped to our offices. From there we box the items up and have them shipped to the orphanages. We update these lists throughout the year based on the needs of the orphanages.
Even if you can't afford to purchase things on the Amazon wish lists, you can help Life 2 Orphans by adding our organization as your Amazon Smile charity. Amazon Smile is a program where a small percent of the money you spend on Amazon is donated automatically to Life 2 Orphans! A link to the How-to is below along with a link that goes directly to the set-up for designating Life 2 Orphans as your charity of choice.
How to set up Amazon Smile on the Mobile app
Select Life 2 Orphans as your charity
Orphanage Medical Supplies
While most medicines are purchased in Ukraine, some medical supplies can be bought on Amazon. We also work with MedShare International for more specific medical items. Items available on Amazon include vitamins, first aid supplies, and special spoons and bowls for disabled children.